Les cafards sont des insectes étonnants. En effet, La plupart de ces
créatures peuvent vivre jusqu’à 15 jours sans eau et un mois sans
nourriture. Certains, même, peuvent retenir leur souffle jusqu’à 40
minutes et vivre jusqu’à 9 jours sans tête. Les blattes ont aussi des
réflexes de fuite très développés grâce aux poils disposés tout le long
de leurs pattes qui se dotent d’une sensibilité directionnelle extrême
leurs permettant de changer de direction 25 fois par seconde.
Péter helps reduce high blood pressure!
A recent study conducted in 2012 by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, showed that flatulence could help patients with high blood pressure by reducing the cardiovascular disease.
Physicians have found that the hydrogen sulfide content in the product is a pet by an enzyme that is found in blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Indeed, it has been proven that the more the person she farts less likely to suffer from hypertension.
Next time, do not be embarrassed, fart, it's good for your health!
Physicians have found that the hydrogen sulfide content in the product is a pet by an enzyme that is found in blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Indeed, it has been proven that the more the person she farts less likely to suffer from hypertension.
Next time, do not be embarrassed, fart, it's good for your health!

You are paralyzed for your dreams!
The frontal lobe or part of the brain that affects memory formation is inactive during REM sleep during which dreams occur, which causes muscle weakness and rapid eye movements, motor neurons are not stimulated, leading to temporary paralysis during your dreams.
Dreams can be fascinating, exciting, horrible or just weird. But did you also know that you forget 95% of your dreams?
Dreams can be fascinating, exciting, horrible or just weird. But did you also know that you forget 95% of your dreams?
Writer :
You are paralyzed for your dreams!

Monopoly was invented by a woman who was trying to warn people of the dangers of capitalism!
How can we warn people of the dangers of capitalism with a game that rewards players who are able to hire as many properties as possible and make a profit while ruining other players? Easy! This is America.
In 1904, a woman named Elizabeth Magie obtained a patent for a board game she invented and called "Game of the owner. "Magic was with his game to inform and warn people about the dangers and economic antisocial nature of monopoly.
Charles Darrow, has improved and named Monopoly in 1931. This game later became the game's most famous company in the world.
In 1904, a woman named Elizabeth Magie obtained a patent for a board game she invented and called "Game of the owner. "Magic was with his game to inform and warn people about the dangers and economic antisocial nature of monopoly.
Charles Darrow, has improved and named Monopoly in 1931. This game later became the game's most famous company in the world.
Writer :
Monopoly was invented by a woman who was trying to warn people of the dangers of capitalism!

New York has a museum dedicated to sex!
Museum of Eroticism (Museum of Sex), founded in 2002 by Michael Glucka took a subject that is often taboo in society and presented as an educational and informative show with a sexy atmosphere and slightly illegal in the heart of New York City. Indeed, the museum, also known as the MoSex strives to inform the public about the history, evolution and cultural significance of sexuality through the ages.

Scientists have found a way to sober up fast!
Scientists have been able to reduce high levels of alcohol in mice intoxicated by giving them tiny capsules (called nanocapsules) that contain enzymes that produce indeed a chemical compound that reduces the level of alcohol in blood in a rapid manner as shown in the mouse experiment.
This will lead to the development of new drugs for human use. Some have been proposed, they can be taken orally or through the skin. In both cases, these drugs help to rid the body of excess alcohol and eliminate drunk quickly.
This will lead to the development of new drugs for human use. Some have been proposed, they can be taken orally or through the skin. In both cases, these drugs help to rid the body of excess alcohol and eliminate drunk quickly.

The Taj Mahal is falling apart!
Le bâtiment le plus célèbre de l’Inde, et l’un des bâtiments les plus
célèbres au monde, est en train de s’écrouler lentement à cause du
climat sec de l’Inde. Une grande partie de l’humidité s’évapore du sol
qui est devenu incapable de soutenir le Taj Mahal qui finira par
s’effondrer totalement.
Le Taj Mahal a été construit en 1631 par Shah Jahan, l’empereur de
l’Empire moghol, à Agra dans l’Uttar Pradesh en Inde, il se trouve le
long de la rivière Yamuna. Jahan a voulu créer un monument pour le
consacrer à sa femme.
Writer :
The Taj Mahal is falling apart!

The oculolinctus is the act of licking the eye of his partner for sexual excitement!
The oculolinctus or fetish licking the eyeball of his partner, is a practice that has emerged in Japan and in 2013 became the new erotic fashion among Japanese teenagers in order to excite and satisfy their partners sexually because apparently "kiss" has become boring.
This bizarre practice has resulted in a significant increase in eye infections in Japan due to microorganisms that cover our language and that can irritate the cornea of the eye.
This bizarre practice has resulted in a significant increase in eye infections in Japan due to microorganisms that cover our language and that can irritate the cornea of the eye.

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